Friday, June 3, 2011

Funeral Prayer’s For Osama

By Dr Sheikh Showkat Hussain
Osama Bin Laden was portrayed as the biggest demon and threat to the west. Pakistan under Musharraf true to its reputation became felicitator of this crusade as well. Whatever remained in Afghanistan became target of American wrath and old allies of US became its adversaries.
Globally, Osama Bin Laden became symbol of resistance against imperialism not because of his ideology but because of his adversaries. The way Osama was projected as the biggest threat to American interests same way death of Osama was portrayed as the greatest achievement of Americans in 21st century. Ascendance as well as death of Osama however continued to remain a mystery for the Muslim world. No wonder his death didn’t invoke a hysterical response from the Muslims across the globe.  Kashmir remained no exception to this phenomenon.
The response to death of Osama was mute. Not spontaneous. After one week of his death a low key/ordinary prayer meetings were organized by some Hurriyat leaders. While organizing prayers the leaders made it clear that they did not support what happened on 9/11. For some columnists who seldom miss an opportunity to criticize and malign Kashmir resistance, it was a God send opportunity to blame the leaders for their indifference to consequences of prayers for Osama Bin Laden.
The act on the part of Hurriyat leaders was projected as a tactical mistake as it would annoy the Americans and provide an opportunity for them to portray Kashmir resistance an extension of global Jihad. The criticism emanates out of a mindset that looks upon everything from the point of view of gains and losses. No wonder those who opted this paradigm were supporting and praising insurgency on its inception in early 90’s simply because it was the dominant force at that juncture. Once militancy receded and brought within the preview of global terrorism by US they overnight became propagators of non-violence and left no stone unturned to malign resistance in its most muted forms as well. Stone Pelting,Hartals, taking out processions/ Chalos,invoked nothing but ridicule and condemnation from them.
A funeral in accordance with his religion remains an inalienable right for anyone, be he member of a hostile army or an insurgent or a terrorist. This right has been acknowledged in Hague conventions, Geneva Conventions as well as Liber code which has been a manual for Americans forces at war. Basic reason for this is that men remain enemies by accident belonging to one or other party of a conflict. They remain a legitimate target only as long as they have capacity to fight and are involved in hostilities. As soon as they die they remain only humans and deserve all humane treatment that is due towards every person as a human being. Funeral prayers thus remained a human right of Osama. They ought to have been organized by Americans not as a favor to him but as a fulfillment of an obligation which they owe to their own law and international humanitarian law. If they did not organize it there was nothing wrong for others to do the same.
Rights are not honored or dishonored in lieu of bargains nor assessed in terms of looses or gains to nations or their adversaries. An injured adversary soldier ceases to be an enemy and deserves same degree of care that is due to injured soldiers of a state. And that is what the critics of the funeral prayers suggest when they say that we while organizing prayers for Osama shouldn’t expect Americans to support our right to self determination. Prayers were offered for the dead Osama because it was his internationally acknowledged right. We demand self determination and expect support for It not in lieu of some bargain but as a matter of right which too has been acknowledged and accepted as a human right internationally. In early Greece once ruler imposed ban on funeral of a rebel. Sister of the deceased defied the dictate saying he is a brother and funeral is his natural right even acknowledged by gods. This incident became milestone in the march of mankind towards realization and assertion of their inalienable rights (Sophocles).
Respect for rights should not and ought not to be seen in context of gains or losses. Respect for rights should be there as a matter of principle whether it annoys someone or appeases someone. This may sound idealism but idealism needs to be the bedrock of every political thought process. Once support or opposition is only evaluated in terms of gains or losses it is this mindset that degenerate intellectuals into renegades.  Their pen thus, remains subservient to domination and at the disposal of every ascending dispensation. Principles are eternal whereas, dominance is a temporary phenomenon. People across globe gained freedom despite American opposition. US vetoed scores of resolutions against oppressive regimes of South Africa and Israel. Yet freedom has dawned to South Africa and is in process of unfolding for Palestinians. On contrary three empires were consumed in previous century landing in the dust bin of history.
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